What Content Promotion Strategies to Follow to Boost Traffic?

Rasheed Nyn
10 min readFeb 24, 2021

It’s not all about awesome writing, I bet. Without strategic content promotion strategies even the best content may fail to generate result.


You have a great piece of content but nobody knows about it.

What’s the point then?

Shakespeare wouldn’t be The Shakespeare if his works weren’t published.

It’s not what you want to happen. A lot of people with great content are falling behind because of their poor content promotion strategies. You have to ensure that your content is getting maximum exposure and reaction. You have to reach the audiences and that’s why you should try some advanced content promotion strategies.

Content marketers today follow numerous ways of promoting their content. And I will be discussing about those effective content promotion strategies in the following sections.

1. Create Awesome Content: The Base for Awesome Content Promotion Strategies

You cannot ignore the importance of writing a post that is unique. Probably this is the basic of all content promotion strategies. People love reading epic content and it encourages them to share rapidly.

Make the title catchy and precise.

Give an in-depth detail and present them nicely. Your reader will be forced by themselves to share it with others.

2. Always listen to the experts

People want to hear from the experts. You too. Right?

So listen to the experts in your field. Let others know what they are saying.

Ask for a suggestion about your topic from them and mention it clearly with links.

You will get multiple benefits from it.

Let me tell you some of them —

Number one, when you mention the experts in your writing, people will get an interest to read your article. It works fine in the field of content promotion strategies.

Number two, the person you are mentioning will be notified and come across your content and will share for his own benefit.

So, you are getting more traffic, more shares and a lot of inspirations. It’s all you need right now.

3. Email your sources to ensure primary promotion

When you publish your content, don’t forget to email the sources from where you have gathered information for your exclusive content.

Ask them to read your content and share if possible. You can ask them to link it up with their writing too. Thus you can open your content up to a new group of people.

And if you are lucky they will share and interact with your writing. It depends on the depth of your writing and I think you are always producing outstanding content.

4. Be active on comment section

It’s not wise to leave the comment section blank.

You have to act wisely to keep your content interesting on the comment section because it is one of the easiest ways among the content promotion strategies. When your readers will notice that you take care of them, they will be interested in asking you a question. This will build a bridge of faith between you and your readers.

People love to talk about them whom they believe. If you gain this faith, you will get more shares and more traffic.

It’s simple, you know. It’s also an effective way of mastering the content promotion strategies.

5. Find out some core items from your content and share them on Social Media

Your content must have some amazing information or items. Take your time and short them out.

Turn them into short paragraphs by adding two or three lines.

Share them on your Social Media accounts. Use #hashtags to grab more attention. Keep doing it for several days or weeks.

Popular social networks like Twitter and Facebook help a lot to promote any new product effectively. Likewise, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Reddit can take your content to a new level. They are the most popular content promotion platforms. While promoting make sure to use some pictures, short and precise captions. Let them know your intention and they should read it.

From this activity, people will come to know about your creation and if you can present them nicely, you will get some bonus readers.

You won’t need a penny to do this but you need a lot of patience.

Well, patience rewards sweet.

6. Knock the interested persons


You may have question like —

How to determine who are the interested persons?

For you,

You must have seen similar types of contents shared while searching for your info about your content on the web.

The people who have shared or linked to those similar contents are the interested persons you are searching for.

Copy the URLs from those articles and search for them on platforms like Twitter. You’ll find the people who have shared them.


Message them via Social Media or through their sites. Ask them to read your article and let others know what they think. Most probably they will happily do it.

Easy promotion!!!

One more thing, I suggest you contact them through their sites. This will make them happier since you’ve visited their sites.

7. Ask your influencers to react to your content

How dare you!!!!!!

No, it’s not like that.

Obviously, an expert’s reaction will boost your promotion but it’s not that easy. Many successful marketers use these type of content promotion strategies to boost their traffic.

Let me give you the guideline,

First, you have to have a connection with them. For example, you can try through LinkedIn.

Find out some groups with what they are associated with using their profile. Join one of those groups. Now as a member, you can send a connection request to them. Do it.

Once you are connected, invite them to read your article. If you think it’s okay, then ask them to share it on different platforms.

You will be amazed to find that your site is carrying a lot of traffics in a short time.

One more technique that you can apply is,

When you are connected with those groups, ask the members to have a look over your (better!) content.

8. Allow the readers to share your posts easily

Do you know which one is the easiest of all content promotion strategies? The answer is- ask the readers to share it rapidly on their own will.

Place the share buttons just beside the articles. Or you can put them at the end of your contents.

Use the most popular social networking platforms with proper identifications.

Make the process of sharing easy and remind the readers regularly to share the post.

9. Give your Content More Exposure by Converting it into Different Categories

Note that, not all the readers prefer to read online.

There are thousands of people who are searching for the same document in different genres.

You have to think about them too. And you have to change your content promotion strategies for them. Only writing the contents and publishing those on the web will not cover them.

You can try these methods to promote your content to different kinds of people.

Turn it into a video —

There are some people who like to watch rather than read. So, take your content and turn it into a video file for them.

Upload it on different video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.

Let them know that you have a great content and there are more on your site.

Ask them to express their opinion regarding the content they are watching. Don’t forget to ask them to share. One of the easiest content promotion strategies, you know.

Give it a Slideshow view —

Turning your content into a slideshow and promote them on different sites will be a wonderful idea.

Do you know how many people hit the SlideShare every day?

Well, that’s huge.

So, why miss this chance???

Optimize your content, give a good title and description and you are set for the journey.

Don’t forget to link back to your original content.

Promote your content with a .pdf extension —

You cannot neglect your offline readers.

So, turn your content into a .pdf file and publish it on the web.

Optimize your content accordingly but don’t skip the interesting issues.

Link back to your original content and ask for their feedback.

Ask them to recommend it to others.

10. Submit your content to Content Communities for additional promotion

There are some sites that allow you to submit your exclusive content to them so their audience has the opportunity to read it. It can be an easy picking for your content promotion strategies.

Well, you will have to face strong competitions on these sites, but it worth it.

If you are lucky then you may attract some attention and get some good traffic.

Sites to submit content to include — —

  • Blog Engage
  • BizSugar
  • Triberr
  • TribePro

11. Utilize Blog Engage to Engage New Readers

BlogEngage is a great media that helps you to submit your blog posts to BlogEngages RSS feed.

This helps you to get access to a huge number of new blog readers. You can consider this as one of your content promotion strategies.

They have different levels of exposure you can get access to.

All you have to do is choose the one that suits you best and you will get thousands of new readers for your new posts.

12. Link up with your other relevant popular contents

Another good option to reveal your new content to the readers is to link it with your other relevant contents.

If you have a good number of popular contents, then it is very easy to promote them.

Simply insert the link of your new content to the popular contents when it is appropriate. People will click to read it and if they like it, they will appreciate it. It can work well for your content promotion strategies.

13. Place your new content at the bottom of other contents

It is an old but one of the effective content promotion strategies.

Place your new content at the bottom line of your website. Or just after the ending of contents.

When a reader scrolls down to your page, he will notice it.

In fact, this is the easiest way to grab the attention of your readers of your new content.

14. Sign up for the Flipboard and convert your content to a magazine

There are Millions of people who search for contents in a magazine shape within the Flipboard app.

You can use this opportunity to create your own magazine and have it for the others. You can count this as one of the successful content promotion strategies.

But you have to sign up for the opportunity.

Install the Flipboard bookmarklet for Chrome.

Next, go to the URL of your new content and add it to your new Flipboard magazine. Collect the best content for your niche. You can collect others too. Flipboard will turn the content into an amazing collection of content cum magazine that is comfortable to read on handy devices like smartphone, tablet etc.

You’ll attract readers in this way.

Let other Flipboard users know that you’ve included their content in your magazine.

You can also invite other users to check out your magazine.

15. Promote your new Content using StumbleUpon’s Paid Discovery Service

You can use some paid services to promote your new content. Since it is a paid form, I insist you consider it as one of the last bait of your content promotion strategies.

StumbleUpon is a paid platform and its paid discovery service is perfect for the content promotion strategies.

This service will ensure you more visitors and most importantly, it will place your site with the best of the selected categories. But you have to ensure the articles of good-quality.

It also allows you to pay for the engaged visitors.

You can get more traffic related to other common social networks.

16. Ask your email listed persons to read your article

You already have a list of people who are connected with you via emails.

They can be a great place for you to promote your new article. Send them requests to read your new awesome article.

Give some hints for them so that they get interested. Provide the link for easy access to the main content.

But, there are some people who want the copy in their emails. You can send them too.

17. Use Sulia.com to bring more readers for your content

Sulia is another cool way to attract more visitors to your content, a perfect machine for content marketing.

It allows people to share their content with the people with similar interests.

Sign up for an account and fill up the required fields.

Then choose the pencil logo in the top right of the screen and write what you want to share with a link so that they can find everything by clicking the link.

You will get visitors like you never imagined.

18. Stay Updated by using G Alerts

A lot of people will write their own content on the similar topic every day. So, you have to stay updated with them to reveal new ideas and new links.

You can use Google Alerts to detect new contents similar with your keywords. Contact with them to get more social shares and new audiences.

19. Translate your content to grab more native readers

Most of the people find it comfortable to read in their own languages.

But this opportunity is not available that much and here is your chance.

If you can translate and publish your content into different languages, you will get a huge amount of bonus readers for your content. You may have to work a little bit hard but this method can be the best weapon of your content promotion strategies.

Final Words,

To be a successful blogger, you really have to do a lot of hard jobs.

But once you find the perfect content promotion strategies, you don’t have to look back. And now that you have learned the best content promotion strategies, start your work right now.

As a blogger, you have to learn the strategies of handling your posts and other things. If you think writing and publishing content is all, you are wrong.

You better wake up and never sleep!!!!

With this ultimate guide to content promotion strategies, you will be a successful person in promoting or marketing your posts like you dreamed.

Ask us anything you want to know about the content promotion strategies.

Follow me on —

Twitter — @rasheednyn

LinkedIn — Rashiduzzaman N | LinkedIn



Rasheed Nyn

Content writer turned strategic marketer with an artistic mind for love fictions.